I found this great article on The Hub.......some fun ideas for Women to give to their man
Are Men Romantic?
By MaryD
Are Men Romantic?
All too often men get a bad rap when it comes to romance. Too many women feel that men are just not romantic, period. Well I am here to tell you that is wrong.
Are there Un-Romantic men out there? Yes, there are. But perhaps they are that way merely because they have not been taught what women find romantic or they've been led to believe that it is ‘unmanly' to think like a romantic.
That is sad, because there are a lot of manly men who are very romantic! It is not a sign of weakness for a man to enjoy the same romantic things that women do. It is a shame that men feel that way.
I have listed below some things that men find to be romantic gestures that women can do for them.
Things Men Find Romantic:
Compliments - Men like compliments just as much as a woman! Nothing sparks a man's attention faster than letting him know that you find him sexy, a good provider, a hard worker, creative, etc. Even just letting him know that he looks really good in those jeans is a boost!
Gifts - Men enjoy gifts as well. Although men are more practical so gifts such as a new sweatshirt to replace his old faded favorite one is a good suggestion. How about a new tool or a gift certificate to his favorite handy-man store or sporting goods store?
You, in his clothes - Men are hugely turned on by seeing their sweetheart wearing his favorite t-shirt or a button down white shirt. It's just a fact. Remember, men are visual!
Watching Movies Together - Watching comedy movies together is a great fun and a great way to connect. Laughter is a common thread among people and men love it when they can have a fun time with a woman. And even more so if she is willing to watch guy type movies. But not if she is going to be bored out of her mind or absolutely hate the movie. Find ones with common interest and you will capture his heart. Many men will even watch a good ‘chick flick' if its not total mush!
Creating Great Memories Together - Creating memories together with the things that you do together and then creating a photo album or memory box together is a very romantic gesture. Being able to pull out that album or box and reliving those fun memories is a great turn on to anyone. The time spent on putting them together also creates more memories and helps to connect you together.
Taking an Interest in His Hobbies - When a woman is willing to go to a car show or sporting event with her man, that is a tremendous romantic gesture. Especially if she also enjoys the same types of shows or sports. Bonding when doing similar interests is a great way to keep a relationship thriving. In turn he will take more of an interest in her hobbies and past times when she takes an interest in his.
Surprise Intimacy. Whether it's an unexpected kiss or an afternoon trip to the bedroom, men swoon when women say "Come here." We all know that sex is on the mind of men very often, and when his lover surprises him with a romantic intimate rendezvous that is all the better! Men love it when the woman is the aggressor at times!
Love Notes - Men may not always admit it, but many men say that they love getting love notes. Leaving them in places where he will find them during his hectic work day is fun. Tuck a note or love coupon in his shirt pocket or wallet. Men do not read our minds any more than we read theirs, so it is just as important to them to hear or read those 3 little words often!
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